Specifications for photo assignments: You may submit your project in one of these formats:
1) A power point presentation with thick description posted on
2) A power point presentation with thick descriptions submitted on a CD/DVD or a USB drive
3) Email the power point presentation to the instructor at
DO NOT submit more than 10 photos for an assignment. (Select the ones that best tell your story.)
For this exercise you will need to attend an event in which it would be acceptable
for you to shoot photographs of strangers. Come with the eyes and ears of an anthropologist
and make note of everything the "natives" do. You can go alone, be the guest of
a "key informant," or go with a co-
Outline for Presentation:
Title (name of project [pick something creative!], your name, name of course, instructor’s name, date of completion)
Pick 10 photos that reveal cultural activities, how space is used, dress, ritual behaviors and objects, cultural rules
Write thick (detailed) descriptions that help us to understand the needs this culture satisfies and how they are satisfied. Describe the ways the cultural practices are effective.
For this project you will find a location in which the material objects present tell us important cultural/religious information about the people who use this space. You may seek the guidance of one or more of the users of this space to explain what everything is and how items are used. Photograph an overview of the space as well as detail shots from angles that reveal how the space is engaged.
Possible spaces:
l Worship Objects in a Private Home l Church lMosque lTemple lSacred Space lReligious Store/Market
Outline for Presentation:
Title (name of project [pick something creative!], your name, name of course, instructor’s name, date of completion)
Pick 10 photos that reveal the unique qualities of this space, how it is used, decorated and arranged. Think especially about the cultural rules and behaviors that dictate how the space is engaged.
Write thick (detailed) descriptions that help us to understand the cultural needs this space satisfies.